Monday, May 31, 2010
Quote of the Day

Picture of the Day
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Picture of the Day
Saturday, May 29, 2010
George Herman "Babe" Ruth

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Picture of the Day

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sitting Bull and the Battle of Little Big Horn

Little Big Horn was the pinnacle of American Indian power. Outraged over the loss of a popular Civil War hero on the eve of the nation's Centennial, the nation demanded and received harsh retribution. The Black Hills dispute was quickly settled by redrawing the boundary lines placing the Black Hills outside of the reservation and open to white settlement. Little Big Horn was an important chapter in the plight of the Native American.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
President of the United States Harry S. Truman

The Big Island of Hawaii

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis

Brandeis' votes and opinions envisioned greater protections for individual rights and greater flexibility for government in economic regulation that would prevail in later courts. Brandeis was succeeded on the court by William O. Douglas, who called Brandeis, "a crusader for social justice."
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The GOP Needs To Pull Itself Together
In the case of Newt Gingrich, this is just embarrassingly, shocking hyperbole. In the case of Rand Paul, he opposes, and has stated such on a number of occasions, provisions of the Civil Rights Act dealing with private establishments, believing that these businesses have the right to discriminate against people of the bases of race, religion, or sexual orientation. To hell with the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, I suppose he is thinking. The thoughts represented by both Gingrich and Paul's comments are a radical departure from mainstream thought in America. Yet these are visible, high-level representatives in the Republican Party.
Where is the leadership of the GOP? Does House Minority Leader Eric Cantor think it is ok for a restaurant to bar him from eating there because he is a Jew? Does he agree with Gingrich's comparison of President Obama to Hitler and Stalin, two of the worst anti-semites of the 20th century?
A friend told me recently he feels some people are confusing the radical right and the mainstream GOP. Well, where is the leadership of the mainstream GOP? Where is Mitt Romney, Mike Pence, John Thume, or Michael Steele? Colin Powell once said when he hears outrageous statements by Lambaugh, he responds to them, and he would like to see others do the same.
Unfortunately, I think mainstream GOP leaders are afraid of the power and the numbers represented by the radical right. They know they need them at election time. This is a sad state of affairs for America and for the Grand Ole Party. America needs a strong, credible, two-party system. There is no room for fear-mongering, hate, or talk of a return to "Jim Crow" in either party. The real issues are too important and the stakes are too high. Come on GOP, pull yourself together. America needs you as a legitimate player.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Picture of the Day
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Picture of the Day
Baptimergent Thought

Monday, May 17, 2010
Quote of the Day

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Picture of the Day

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Picture of the Day

Quote for the Day
Friday, May 14, 2010
Memories of General Lucius D. Clay

Pete Seeger Is Still Around
Pete Seeger is an American folk singer and iconic figure in the mid-20th century American Folk music revival. In the '60s, he was a much beloved prominent figure composing protest music in support of international disarmament, civil rights, and for environmental causes. He co-authored such songs as "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?", "If I Had a Hammer", and "This Land is Your Land". He was closely associated with Woody and Arlo Guthrie, Peter, Paul and Mary, Joan Baez, and others.
Always a controversial figure because of his very supportive positions on civil rights and peace, Pete's perfomances ranged from entertaining Eleanor Roosevelt at a racially integrated Valentine's Party in segregated Washington DC in 1944, to appearing in 2009 (shown above) at Barack Obama's Inauguration at the Lincoln Memorial with Bruce Springsteen, performing "This Land Is Your Land."
At the age of 91, Seeger remains politically active and resides in the Hudson Valley area of New York. God bless Pete Seeger.
(Don't click on any "click here" items in video piece).
"I Choose Ed".....(Ed Walsh)

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Compelling Civil Rights History

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
"If, by a 'Liberal'.....

Monday, May 10, 2010
Picture of the Day
Political Button Collecting

"Living With Risk Is The Cost of Freedom"
Speaking specifically about the Times Square failed incident last week, Pitts says, ".....So no matter how you tweak the system, we will always be vulnerable. Indeed, more so because we are free, and no system consistent with that freedom could have stopped a fanatic from driving a bomb into Times Square. .....So what can you do? The answer is that you do the best you can, take what precautions you can, and then you get on with it, learn to live with the risk freedom entails. You accept that risk because freedom is worth it."
Sunday, May 9, 2010
RIP - Harrison M. Symmes

Thought For A Sunday
"A poem is an effort to say something by organizing the images and the icons and the symbols and the acoustics of language. It is an effort to say something about what we reckon is unspeakable - great history, great love, great hope, great hate."
"Certainly a funeral is an effort at the same thing. It's the same enterprise, to organize some response to what is the unspeakable - unspeakable heartache, unspeakable helplessness, unspeakable despair, unspeakable gratitude, unspeakable faith. Funerals operate in the same way poems do. They operate by metaphor and icon and liturgy and symbol."
"We need a way to say unspeakable things and funerals do. So do poems."
Thomas Lynch -
Funeral Director, Essayist, Poet
Two Old Soldiers....One Blue and One Gray
Picture of the Day
Saturday, May 8, 2010
President William McKinley - Buffalo, New York

London...circa 1949

New York City ...circa 1900
Picture of the Day

Friday, May 7, 2010
Curiously Embracing Big Government When We Need It....Trashing It Otherwise

It has always been curious to watch "the Right" run down big government.....except for those times and those programs from which they may benefit. Farmers don't generally have a problem with farm price supports, nor the small business person with the SBA subsidized loan, nor the age 65+ with medicare, nor the business which benefits from the tax credit, nor the parent who needs the college loan, on and on.
It seems we have the ultimate embrace of big government this week as the Governors of Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, all run by small government Republicans, demand full support of the federal government as they deal with the BP oil spill tragedy. Bobby Jidal, who once joked about federal spending for volcano monitoring and tried to stop any Recovery Act money from entering Louisiana, issued a statement demanding "critical" federal government resources.
In his commencement address at the University of Michigan in front of 92,000 people last week, President Obama said, "there are some things we can only do together, as one nation....so what we should be asking is not whether we need a 'big federal government,' but how we can create a smarter, better government."
Perhaps big government naysayers will begin to realize that we live in a time of unprecedented national crises..... natural disasters, terrorist threats, soaring health care costs, immigration challenges, etc., and that such problems require a greater sense of national "community" accompanied by federal government resources and coordination.
Ronald Reagan had some great attributes, but the greatest damage he did was to demonize government, a hypocritical attitude many on "the Right" continue to embrace. Let's hope for better. I see signs.
Picture of the Day
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Teddy Roosevelt

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Picture of the Day
Important Poem From 20th Century History

Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Picture of the Day

"Acceptance is the process of acknowledging certain aspects of life without attempting to change, fight against, or hide them. Most of our discomfort in life emerges out of our inability to accept things as they are. When we accept things as they are, the challenges of our lives tend to soften. We become more compassionate and understanding of ourselves, as well as others. It is here we begin to create the space for more love, peace and happiness to enter our lives."
Dr. Michal Irvin
Counseling Psychologist
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The Great Billy Graham....America's Pastor

Like me, Billy is a native North Carolinian and a moderate Baptist. Refusing to join Jerry Farwell's so called "moral majority," Billy said, "I'm for morality but morality goes far beyond sex and politics to human freedom and social justice. We in the clergy know so very little to speak with authority on the issues of the day. Evangelist can't be closely associated with any particular party or person. We have to stand in the middle to preach to all people, on the left and right." Newsweek said in a 2006 article, "For Graham, politics is secondary to the Gospel."
Billy has had a personal audience with, and has prayed with, Presidents of the United States since Harry Truman. That's 12 American Presidents. President Obama just visited with him for private prayer in Montreat, NC last month. Billy was named #7 on the Gallup Poll of the most admired people of the 20th Century. It is amazing that Billy has, considering the news environment in which we live, managed to steer clear of virtually any controversy. Billy has received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal. He has been named the "Greatest Living American" on several Gallup surveys.
Billy opposed segregation in the 1960s and refused to speak in segregated auditoriums. It was reported that he provided bail money to secure Martin Luther King's release from jail more than once in the '60s.
There will likely never be another Billy Graham. I once attended a funeral he did at First Baptist Church - Greensboro, and I felt like I'd been to a great religious revival. At age 93 now, in some ways it will be a sad day when Billy passes away. But without question, Billy will want us to celebrate his homecoming on that day, and to celebrate the hundreds of thousand of lives he touched and uplifted, and as us Baptist proudly say, and the souls he has saved. God Bless Billy Graham.
A Nice Collectible......and Rare

The button above is one of my favorite newer era buttons. In the hobby, we refer to this type of button as a trigate-coattail button. It is a 3.5 inch Kerry for President, Illinois coattail piece. As you see, it has a young Barack Obama running for US Senate and a younger Jesse Jackson Jr. running for Congress, both riding the coattails of the top of the Democratic ticket.
It is a rare, attractive piece, with three, obviously high profile, Democrats on the button. It is also considered an "early Obama" button, making it a very nice collectible.
Blog Archive
- Quote of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- George Herman "Babe" Ruth
- Picture of the Day
- Sitting Bull and the Battle of Little Big Horn
- President of the United States Harry S. Truman
- The Big Island of Hawaii
- Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
- The GOP Needs To Pull Itself Together
- Picture of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- Baptimergent Thought
- "There Are Places I Remember...."
- Quote of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- Quote for the Day
- Memories of General Lucius D. Clay
- Pete Seeger Is Still Around
- "I Choose Ed".....(Ed Walsh)
- Picture of the Day
- Compelling Civil Rights History
- "If, by a 'Liberal'.....
- Picture of the Day
- Political Button Collecting
- "Living With Risk Is The Cost of Freedom"
- Quote For the Day
- RIP - Harrison M. Symmes
- Thought For A Sunday
- Two Old Soldiers....One Blue and One Gray
- Picture of the Day
- President William McKinley - Buffalo, New York
- London...circa 1949
- New York City ...circa 1900
- Picture of the Day
- Curiously Embracing Big Government When We Need It...
- Picture of the Day
- Teddy Roosevelt
- Picture of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- Important Poem From 20th Century History
- "Funny How Time Slips Away" ~Willie Nelson
- Picture of the Day
- Acceptance....
- The Great Billy Graham....America's Pastor
- A Nice Collectible......and Rare