Saturday, December 31, 2011
Picture of the Day

Friday, December 30, 2011
The Prez and The Boss

Catching The Boss and The E Street Band on tour in concert is toward the top of my bucket list. Springsteen, a 62-year old New Jersey native, has earned 20 Grammys, two Golden Globes, and an Academy Award. He is a classic and an entertainment icon of our time.
Named by 'Rolling Stone' as the 23rd Greatest Artist of All-Time, a career highlight of his for me was his appearance at the 2008 Presidential Inauguration, performing Woody Guthries's "This Land is Your Land" with Pete Seeger.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Picture of the Day
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Powerful Civil War Image
Picture of the Day

My older brother, Bill, was in attendance at the main inaugural ball, having been selected to serve as an Honor Guard, representing the United States Coast Guard. He was on active duty at Cape May, New Jersey at the time. My Mother was very proud.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
ThePoint's Choice as 2011 Picture of the Year

ThePoint is pleased to select, by a wide margin, this image as it's choice for 2011 Photograph of the Year, due to the critical nature of the setting and the mission, which is no doubt captured in the image. This picture is the essence of superior photojournalism.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
One of a Kind

I first heard about this guy in 1976. He was age 29. I was active in the North Carolina Young Democrats and he was the newly elected State Attorney General in Arkansas. They said he was a certain "can't miss". He was talked of him as a young sports sensation who was destined for greatness and the Hall of Fame. He was described as one with ability, looks, skills, charm, instincts, intellect......like none before him. I'll never forget it.
Bill Clinton has had quite a career......just as they predicted, like no other. Twice a Governor, twice a President, a prolific author, leader and founder of the Clinton Global Initiative and Foundation, and age 65, a continued, respected world leader and significant influence on history's course. Recently, I was honored to meet him, visit with him, and have a picture taken with him. I told him I was seeing Jim Hunt at a function the next night. He said, "tell old Jim I did nothing to embarrass him while here in Carolina", and then he just laughed out loud!
He's been on in the mat, they've had him on the ropes, but he's resilient. He is uniquely one of a kind. I like the following quote from his new book,"Back to Work". He says, "There is simply no evidence that we can succeed in the twenty-first century with an anti-government strategy, based on and grounded in a philosophy of, 'you're on your own', rather than, 'we're all in this together." He believes that conflict between government and the private sector has proved to be good politics but has produced bad policies and a weak economy.
Far from perfect (like all of us), Clinton is one of the good guys..........for both our country and the world.
Christmas Blessings

Christmas is about giving and receiving, and certainly about worshiping. But for me, Christmas has grown to become a time to be grateful for God's gifts, beyond the gift of himself through Christ.
I like Erma's little quote above. She's always witty. But I'm certain I do not use everything He gave me. Each day my prayer is, among others, for forgiveness for not being that person God would have me be or intended me to be.
But being grateful, I can be, and I am. Christmas is a wonderful time to be cognizant of, and focused on, that which has blessed us.
2011 marked the marriage of Elizabeth to Brandon. What a wonderful celebration and weekend that was. The service at First Baptist Church, and the grand reception following, was a life's memory and blessing.
My course time at Elon University this fall was just amazing. I was honored to be introduced to Retired Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Dr. John Sullivan. What courses he lead in humanity.
Our visits to The Carter Center and The Carter Presidential Library and Museum this summer were wonderful. Our short time in Columbia with Rob and Jamie.......our time in Chattanooga with Brandon and Elizabeth, another grand summer with Bunny at baseball games. Other involvements such as volunteer time at the Hall of Champions, the Wyndam, the church.......all blessings. The knowledge that Rob, with Governor Nikki, and Elizabeth, at Blue Cross, are productive citizens and making a contribution........ all are such blessings.
My suggestion is to list them, to count them, to take none of them for granted, to savor them. It's Christmas.
"Hay House" - Macon, Georgia
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Picture of the Day
On the same trip, I was also fortunate to enjoy an inside, behind the scenes tour of the Carter Center and Carter Presidential Museum and Library.........making it a great trip for a collector of political memorabilia, and, yes, a political and current events junkie.
Friday, December 16, 2011
The End of a War
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Picture of the Day
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tony Bennett and Stevie Wonder - "For Once In My Life"
Now here's a nice sound from a great duo. Enjoy.
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Era of Segregation

So it was in the South prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Segregated waiting rooms, water fountains, bathrooms, eating facilities, movie theaters, schools, etc. were the order of the day. Thank goodness for progress and a much greater sense fairness for African Americans over the past decades, resulting a greater sense of dignity and quality of life for all Americans.
Much of the change and progress began at the downtown Woolworth's lunch counter in my hometown of Greensboro, NC, February 1, 1960. You will find related blogs in 'ThePoint' by putting "Woolworth's" in the blog search bar.
Picture of the Day

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Pictures of the Day

Saturday, December 10, 2011
Picture of the Day

Casey went on, of course, to manage the great New York Yankees during the Golden Era of baseball and became known as "the old professor." He guided the Yankees to 7 World Series Championships, including 4 in a row from 1950 through 1953.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
The White House - December 1938

Just ahead was a year to be filled with significant events such as the growing menace of Adolph Hitler in Europe, and on the home front the opening of the 1939 New York World's Fair, the premiers of both "Gone With The Wind" and "The Wizard of Oz", Al Capone's release from Alcatraz, Lou Gehrig's retirement from baseball due to his ALS, and the great thoroughbred racehorse Seabiscuit making the front page, above the fold, almost weekly.
As America continued to struggle through the Great Depression and confront major events, big change was around the corner for both the President and for all Americans.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Army/Navy - November 29, 1919

Dignitaries shown here left to right: General Peyton C. March, Secretary of War Newton C. Baker, General John J. Pershing, Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Admiral Archibald S. Scales, Superintendent of the U. S. Naval Academy.
Daniels was Publisher and owner of the Raleigh News and Observer, and was one of President Wilson's primary liaisons and links to the segregated south.
December 7, 2011 Reflection

Today is my in-law's 66th wedding anniversary. Andy returned from the South Pacific at the end of the war in 1945 and married Jean a couple of months later. They are 'hanging in there', still in their home of nearly 50 years. Bunny delivered breakfast to them this morning.
I reflect on, and pray hard for, my dear daughter Elizabeth, who is now pregnant with her first child, after a beautiful 2011 wedding to Brandon. I reflect on my man Rob, as he helps Nikki run the great state of South Carolina. I have so much to be grateful for and much to be concerned with..........as it should be.
I continue to reflect on my semester long series of classes at Elon this fall..........so much wisdom imparted. I especially recall, and like, the following two quotes shared by Dr. John Sullivan, Retired Professor of Philosophy, who coordinated the semester. The first one helped open the semester, the second one helped close the semester.
"We stand in the middle of 7 generations, three behind us, the parents, the grandparents, and the great grandparents, and three before us, the children, the grandchildren, and the great grandchildren. Everything we do and everything we say should be measured against, 'does it honor the ancestors and does it teach the children.'" ~Navajo Proverb
"We must look after the children, for they have a long way to go. We must look after the elders, for they have been a long way. We must look after those in the middle, for they must do the work." ~Nelson Mandala
Peace and Blessings of the Season
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Powerful and Moving Photojournalism From 2011
Picture of the Day

The Low Quality of 2011 GOP Presidential Candidates

I am concerned about the low quality of candidates which have emerged as standard bearers for the Grand Old Party. For the most part, they seem to have neither the intellectual capacity, judgement, values, nor experience we would hope for in candidates for President of the United States and leaders of the free world.
My theory as to why this is relates to the general very low regard that Republicans have for the concept government. This attitude began, in the modern era, as Ronald Reagan was advised by conservative "think tanks", to espouse "government is the problem, not the solution." As a result of this low regard for the public sector, the best and brightest of those with ideological views consistent with this attitude, modern day Republicans, want nothing to do with government. They do not believe in the power of government to help make people's lives better. They see government as an impediment. They generally do not believe in the concept of "community." Therefore, they remain out of government and in the private sector.
They generally believe that if Jim Bob, who has a machine shop around the corner, is just left alone by government, that the world will be just fine, regardless of who is occupying seats of power in Washington. They believe that the marketplace left alone, and a people free from the constraints of government (except for those programs dear to THEM), is all that matters.
Well, that is very far from reality. The next President of the United States, as with past Presidents, will determine the direction in which the world proceeds for years into the future. He will determine matters related to war and peace, to the position of America related to new, emerging economic powers, and he will represent America and her values on the world stage. He will set a vision and strategy regarding domestic issues such as health care reform, abortion, immigration policy, taxation, climate change, job creation, and more.
Republicans need to awaken to the fact the we live in an interdependent nation and world. They need to awaken to the fact that those who lead, who have vision and develop strategy, are very critical to our future and to our direction. They need to get serious about leadership. They need to develop a respect and a regard for the organizational structure of America, called government, which our founding father's established and which has resulted in the wealthiest nation, the most compassionate nation, and a nation with the highest standard of living, for the most people, in the history of the world.
My theory as to why this is relates to the general very low regard that Republicans have for the concept government. This attitude began, in the modern era, as Ronald Reagan was advised by conservative "think tanks", to espouse "government is the problem, not the solution." As a result of this low regard for the public sector, the best and brightest of those with ideological views consistent with this attitude, modern day Republicans, want nothing to do with government. They do not believe in the power of government to help make people's lives better. They see government as an impediment. They generally do not believe in the concept of "community." Therefore, they remain out of government and in the private sector.
They generally believe that if Jim Bob, who has a machine shop around the corner, is just left alone by government, that the world will be just fine, regardless of who is occupying seats of power in Washington. They believe that the marketplace left alone, and a people free from the constraints of government (except for those programs dear to THEM), is all that matters.
Well, that is very far from reality. The next President of the United States, as with past Presidents, will determine the direction in which the world proceeds for years into the future. He will determine matters related to war and peace, to the position of America related to new, emerging economic powers, and he will represent America and her values on the world stage. He will set a vision and strategy regarding domestic issues such as health care reform, abortion, immigration policy, taxation, climate change, job creation, and more.
Republicans need to awaken to the fact the we live in an interdependent nation and world. They need to awaken to the fact that those who lead, who have vision and develop strategy, are very critical to our future and to our direction. They need to get serious about leadership. They need to develop a respect and a regard for the organizational structure of America, called government, which our founding father's established and which has resulted in the wealthiest nation, the most compassionate nation, and a nation with the highest standard of living, for the most people, in the history of the world.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Al Smith for President
FDR at Wigley Field - 1932

The Roosevelts - 1932

Scopes "Monkey Trial" - 1925
Picture of the Day
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- Picture of the Day
- The Prez and The Boss
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- Picture of the Day
- Powerful Civil War Image
- Picture of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Merry Christmas
- ThePoint's Choice as 2011 Picture of the Year
- Picture of the Day
- One of a Kind
- Christmas Blessings
- "Hay House" - Macon, Georgia
- Picture of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- The End of a War
- Picture of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- Season's Greetings
- Tony Bennett and Stevie Wonder - "For Once In My L...
- The Era of Segregation
- Picture of the Day
- Pictures of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- The White House - December 1938
- Army/Navy - November 29, 1919
- December 7, 2011 Reflection
- Powerful and Moving Photojournalism From 2011
- Picture of the Day
- The Low Quality of 2011 GOP Presidential Candidates
- Al Smith for President
- FDR at Wigley Field - 1932
- The Roosevelts - 1932
- Scopes "Monkey Trial" - 1925
- Picture of the Day