Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Blessings

Christmas is about giving and receiving, and certainly about worshiping. But for me, Christmas has grown to become a time to be grateful for God's gifts, beyond the gift of himself through Christ.

I like Erma's little quote above. She's always witty. But I'm certain I do not use everything He gave me. Each day my prayer is, among others, for forgiveness for not being that person God would have me be or intended me to be.

But being grateful, I can be, and I am. Christmas is a wonderful time to be cognizant of, and focused on, that which has blessed us.

2011 marked the marriage of Elizabeth to Brandon. What a wonderful celebration and weekend that was. The service at First Baptist Church, and the grand reception following, was a life's memory and blessing.

My course time at Elon University this fall was just amazing. I was honored to be introduced to Retired Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Dr. John Sullivan. What courses he lead in humanity.

Our visits to The Carter Center and The Carter Presidential Library and Museum this summer were wonderful. Our short time in Columbia with Rob and Jamie.......our time in Chattanooga with Brandon and Elizabeth, another grand summer with Bunny at baseball games. Other involvements such as volunteer time at the Hall of Champions, the Wyndam, the church.......all blessings. The knowledge that Rob, with Governor Nikki, and Elizabeth, at Blue Cross, are productive citizens and making a contribution........ all are such blessings.

My suggestion is to list them, to count them, to take none of them for granted, to savor them. It's Christmas.

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