Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Federal Gov't Delivers - The October Surprise

Conservatives sometimes amaze me.  They run down the federal government until they need it.  Whether it is student loans, farm price supports, SBA low interest loans, a stimulus contract, Medicaid, prescription drug coverage for seniors, a tax credit .......and now, of course, FEMA........... help for those in harm's way and in disaster's way in the northeast.

The irony of this election is that the October surprise which is going to push Barack Obama across the line, is a climate change-driven event, an event that necessitates a strong federal government response........ all of us chipping in to look after our neighbor......... as it should be.  Above, the conservative New Jersey Governor, who delivered the keynote address for Mitt Romney, looks mighty appreciative, as he certainly should be.  Oh, the irony........

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Vasilli Arkhipov - "The Man Who Saved The World"

Yes, one person can make a huge difference. What a story.  50 years ago today, at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, second-in-command Vasilli Arkhipov of the Soviet submarine B-59 refused to agree with his Captain's order to launch nuclear torpedos against US warships and setting off what might well have been a terminal superpower nuclear war.

The US had been dropping depth charges near the submarine in an attempt to force it to surface, was carrying nuclear arms. The Soviet officers, who had lost radio contact with Moscow, concluded that World War 3 had begun, and 2 of the officers agreed to 'blast the warships out of the water'. Arkhipov refused to agree - unanimous consent of 3 officers was required - and thanks to him, we are here to talk about it.

His story is finally being told - the BBC is airing a documentary on it.

Raise a glass to Vasilli Arkhipov - the Man Who Saved the World.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Springsteen and Clinton on the Stump For Barack Obama in Ohio

Say no more.  Two of my favorites.  Working in Ohio for the re-election of Barack Obama.  'Great Americans' doesn't do them justice.  I pray for their success.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Picture of the Day

Me and my 5 month old granddaughter, Scarlett!  What a joy!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Elon University's 'Multi-Faith Religious Program' - What a Wonderful Endeavor

I could not be more proud of Elon University than I am today.  You see, I attended Elon in the late '60s and was an athlete.  Elon athletics is often a source of my pride in Elon.  Today, my pride in Elon is based of my exposure to Elon's Multi-Faith Religious Life Program during my weekly Life@eElon course.  What a beautiful program it is.

Construction is under way on campus of a new multi-faith center in the Academic Village. The magnificent center will be a place for prayer, meditation and reflection in the heart of campus, respecting the differing customs of students' religious and spiritual traditions. The multi-faith center will encourage a robust dialogue about religion on campus, exploring what unifies us in our common humanity and promoting the values served by deeper interfaith collaboration. The program will include, among others, a Campus Muslim Coordinator, 8 students interns (4 interfaith and an Atheist interfaith), and a graduate assistant for Christian unity.

The program will be coordinated by The Rev. Dr. Janet Fuller.  A dynamic speaker and leader, Janet
is the new campus chaplain, after having spent 24 years in a similar role at Hollins College, and a number of years as Baptist Chaplin at Yale University while serving as a Professor in the Divinity School there.  As a child, she grew up in Lebanon where her parents were American Christian missionaries. 

The program at Elon is the result of a letter President Obama sent to all college and university presidents in America asking them to establish laboratories to promote multi-religious understanding and respect (although a similar program had been envisioned).  Elon President Leo Lambert wholeheartedly embraced the concept and became a leader in President Obama's effort. 

Janet told a wonderful story about, as a child, sharing prayer time in the Muslim tradition with her best friend, a Lebanese Muslim little girl in Beruit.  The little girl, likewise, shared in Christian prayer time around the table with Janet and her devout Christian family.  Each grew to embrace and respect the religious tradition and faith of the other, while remaining firmly committed to their own faith (throughout life).  That, said Janet, is the goal of the Elon Multi-Faith Religious Program.

I can think of no more important and worthy endeavor for a college campus than to help young men and women embrace and develop respect for religious traditions of others, while holding firm to their own.  Toward the end of class today, I had a rather simple, although somewhat counter-intuitive thought, with which I will close ............'We are going to save the world and achieve God's Kingdom, not by better embracing and honoring our own faith, but by embracing, respecting, honoring, and embracing the faith of our neighbors.' God Bless Elon University's effort to that end, and kudos to The Rev. Dr. Janet Fuller for her leadership and to Presidents Leo Lambert and Barack Obama for their vision and leadership in this crucial endeavor.

Wisdom from Dr. Billy Graham

One of the giants of the 20th century.  In my view, his great name and legacy have been somewhat tarnished by it's inappropriate use by his son, Franklin, but in no way has it diminished the influence and the great contribution of an American icon.

Monday, October 1, 2012

BB King at the White House

One of my very favorite photos.  'Blues Night' at the White House, including BB King and other greats, such as Derek Trucks.  In addition to a wonderfully effective White House, in my humble opinion, but it's a very cool one as well!

(I just noticed that this wonderful photo is a re-post on MyPoint.  Oh, well.  It's indeed a good one).

Thought for the Day

Important sentiment indicating how important it is for one to feel good about oneself and love oneself, before one can be effective with, and love, others. 

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